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Black Mold FAQs

While mold isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is still not something that you want to have growing unchecked in your household. Mold can actually be a good thing and is a part of foods such as bleu cheese and mushrooms. But if you find a fungal patch growing in a water-prone area of your home or smell something musty from your basement, these are indicators of mold growth that you will want to hire a professional mold remediation expert to take care of, especially if it is black mold.

What Is Black Mold?

Black mold, also known as “Stachybotrys,” is a type of mold that can be found in damp places inside of homes and buildings. While many types of mold grow in circular patterns and have a shiny appearance, black mold has a few key differences. First off, it grows in a patchier shape and has a much lighter tone than most other molds. When black mold is disturbed, it releases mycotoxins that can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and lungs. While other molds can also cause allergic reactions to humans, black mold can cause very serious lung conditions when we breathe it into our lungs.

Where Does Black Mold Grow?

Like we briefly mentioned above, black mold likes to grow in areas that are water-prone and remain consistently wet over long periods of time. So if your toilet overflows, don’t fret — if the problem is taken care of immediately, you should not have any problems. But, if there is an area in your home where a leak has gone undetected, such as in utility closets where your water is located, bathrooms, and basements — pretty much anywhere where moisture is probable.

What Do I Do If I Find Black Mold?

If you see a patch of what looks to be black mold, be sure not to touch it. Touching it will only release those toxins that cause reactions. The same goes for wiping or spraying chemicals on it. The best way to take care of black mold is to contain the area by covering it with a plastic bag or drop cloth and securing it around the outer edges of the mold area (while making sure that nothing is touching the mold spores). Then, when you are ready, you will want to have a professional mold remediation specialist come in to help remove the mold. They have the right tools and expertise to get rid of the mold safely and effectively.

Can I Remove Black Mold Myself?

Remember that black mold is a serious health hazard that can wreak havoc on both your home and your body. While skilled DIY homeowners with a background in mold remediation may be able to handle the job on their own, we do always suggest hiring a professional to do the job. A professional mold remediation specialist will be able to identify the source of the black mold in order to ensure that the mold is entirely taken care of and won’t come back. They also have the proper tools, equipment, solutions, and protective clothing in order to keep themselves safe from the effects of black mold. This will ultimately end up saving you time, money, and the headache of trying to remove it yourself.

If you are located in the Las Vegas area and suspect that you have black mold growing in your home, don’t wait — contact our mold remediation professionals at Thistle DKI today. We would be more than happy to help you get your home back to normal quickly, efficiently, and affordably, giving you peace of mind for the health of you and your loved ones.

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